SD 01/15/05 - "The Gravity of the Situation" aka "The Wrath of Ironbottom #5" " Well, we're in.

The coin toss between me and Melvin resulted in me being the one to wear the spacesuit and go out to open the hangar door. The external controls were a bit tricky as the words were in Kzin, but with hte help of Melvin and the computer translator, we got it. The door opened, and we were able to get the shuttle and pods in.

It didn't go without a hitch though. Cosmo had some trouble getting his and Tarra's pod in as Tarra was in an irritable mood. She had given birth on the way, which explains it. Some coaxing over the com allowed Cosmo to pilot it in and exit the pod. Lynx was a different matter. There was no response from her at all, which made me wonder if she was somehow hurt or something. Then her pod started faltering, going haywire. When the directional jets went off, making it careen out of control, I ordered Benjamin Dover to beam her in. It was a risky move, as it would mean burning out the transporter after all our work in getting it somewhat fixed, not to mention there was the risk of something else going wrong, but there was no other choice as my space suit wasn't fast enough.

We got her and her kids through. T'Sal and K'Tor seem okay, as do the babies. Lynx however is in a real irritable mood. All she does is snap and growl. I had the impression birthing was less painful for Caitians and Kzin from the databanks, but she's not either but a hybridization. Her personality once had a depth that was a welcome contrast to Lera's shallowness. But after Dammers' disappearance, all there seems to be is bitterness. Recent events haven't helped matters eiter. When we get a chance, I'm going to have to have Cosmo give her a full mental evaluation.

But that's for then and this is now. The ship's higher gravity takes some getting used to, but is managable. Security, as they exercise more, seem to be handling it better than everyone else. What I can't seem to get used to are those weird animal sounds coming from inside the ship. What the heck are they?

I've decided the best thing is to take a few redshirts and scout some of the area of the Kzin ship while Lera and Cosmo lead a party into the Ferrengi one. Maybe they can get some answers from those two Ferrengi in there. In the meantime, I'll try to get to the Medical Bay here first. With Benjamin Dover's injuries, we might as well go ahead and use it's bone knitter. Maybe we could make a slight detour to some control system to take care of this gravity first.

Our phasers should take care of any possible problem in here.

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