html> Born Again

SD 6-29-02 - "Born Again" - Just after hearing about the attack in the holodeck on Azzura and Demian came another crisis - Lera giving birth.

I got the comm while in Medical and talking to Demian after conformation Azzura was okay. Martin wanted her brought in from her room, but with the transporter down, I had to order an aantigrav sled. Luckily R'Merr was with me to help. Lera insisted she didn't need the sled, but could be carried. Carry a five-times-pregnant girl in labor while running? I think not!

We got her there. Flare, the father, was nowhere to be found, so I stayed with Lera, who really looked like she needed a friend with her.

And eventually the good doctor got the deed done. All five kids are healthy and well.

We're going to need a bigger nursery.

On another note, something was mentioned about a "symbyote" in Azzura. Symbyote? The only ones I know are for Trill. What's going on?

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