html> Freezing the Plot on Q

SD 12-14-02 - "Freezing the Plot on Q" - It was like a student getting another day before Finals, but only to get a root canal.

We got as far as the shopping area just before the space elevator. There were a few around, Dammers heading to a travel agency. But what caught my attention were a few pig-like humanoids walking around. They all seemed to be headed to the same place, a plastic-surgery clinic, advertising special rates for reversals. Now that I think about it, they all seemed otherwise human-looking aside from the heads.

Somehow, the sight made me feel less easy about New California.

Then my comm got a shrieking call from K'Lynxyl, saying an intruder had broken into her room. I ordered Security to her room at once, and the group headed over. When we got there, however, Security told us they saw no one else. K'Lynxyl then explained the intruder called himself "Q."

"Q" again ... That last time was more than enough. He probably scared the "Old Guard" into leaving.

This time he was simply anoying rather than dangerous. At one point, he said he wanted to actually join the crew! I don't know why he would want to join, and I doubt he'd be content to start at the bottom. After some words back and forth, I reluctantly agreed to let him stay as a guest, but only for so long as no one complained. When I mentioned the trash situation, he decided to remidy the situation with a snap of his fingers. Unfortunetly, more than trash was taken out by the sounds of some of the crewmen in their rooms. He took care of that after he disappeared out, but someone's fishtank got returned upside down.

Hopefully he'll get bored and go away, this time for good.

Well, back to Flare Strife's final wish.

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