SD 01/17/04 - "Welcome to Risa #4" aka "Beached Bum" Not too much more to add, though we did have a minor incident. As I feared, locals are still confusing Lera with that porno star. A group of rowdies on the beach came over, and one grabbed her. But before I could go over and intervene, Lera proved she's capable of handling herself on occasion - right where it hurt the worst too. He's going to be walking funny for a while.

T'Kee seemed to be having a lot of fun flying around, especially with the parasailers. She was flying right next to one for a while, then the sail came loose and the pilot plummeted. Good thing he was above the water - over land he would certainly have broken something. I thought I saw her reach over just before he fell, but I must have imagined that.

About Lera again, it seems I can't ever turn my back on her. I was peacefully relaxing on a lounge beach chair when she tickes me and I jump and land flat on my face. Sand in the mouth - bleah. She kept asking me, again, wny I wouldn't be her boyfriend. She seems completely blind to Ironbottom and that relations between Captain and XO, assuming M'Rander will retire shortly, just isn't done.

Why me?

And why did she say I was mumbling something in my sleep about not wanting to go to "Micky D's?" I've never met a "Mickey," at least not since my amnesia.

Hopefully the others are able to relax.

NARRATIVE: Lynx and Dammers run into a "ski bum" who shoves him into the wall and in turn is pummeled by the two. Then the group boards a shuttle to the beach. Meanwhile, after discussing why escargot is served in certain Terran restaraunts, M'Rander & Cosmo head out to a more private location.

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