SD 04/04/04 - "Welcome to Risa #9" aka "Auction Action" Poor Dammers. Something tells me his "date" has some rather wicked intentions.
He had apparently taken the wrong door getting here, and ended up directly on the stage. I guess he was running late or something. Lynx, or Xixi as she's calling herself now, then proceded to shred his shirt off, and the words she used to advertise him, can one say "meat market?" The raucus cheers for the audience sounded just as bad as media depictions of a men's locker room chat about girls, or a construction site. Hardly what one would expect of ladies. Glancing at the woman who won Lott, though, at least some refuse to be caught up in it.
Eventually, one of the girls won the bidding on Dammers. At first I thought he lucked out. The girl walking up had fiery red hair, a sleek figure in a skintight catsuit, and really cute. Then I noticed the bushy tail wisking about happily. A Cygnian! They're a female-dominated race that for most of their history kept their men in a submissive state. This one still had a streak of the old attitude. She slapped a pair of handcuffs on him before kissing him, then slapped a leash on him and dragged him off with a particuarly disturbing grin.
Something tells me he'd been better off locked in a room with both Lynx and Tarra on their kind of catnip.
Melvin Orlan was next. Lynx/Xixi put an early end to the bidding by making a huge bid herself. The bidding was starting a little slow, so maybe she decided this was a better way to end it ... I think. Lynx's "Xixi" act is so convincing, I can barely believe it's her. Notably the way she treats poor Tara. HOW did she talk her into that?
Apparently, someone else was asking that question - M'Rander. She showed up furious, growling that she was not going to tolerate her chief of Security being depicted like that where public broadcasting was likely to show her position beyond Risa. Some attendant suggested a compromise. If Lynx could make a bid, why not Tarra? He went out there to tell her, but had to go back as he forgot to lower the gag on her.
Well, it's my turn. Already Lera out there is giving me "that look." Huh? Is that ... being out there even female, and why is it looking at me like ... ohhhhhhh slag.