SD 01/22/05 - "A 'Carrier' of Plauge" aka "The Wrath of Ironbottom #6" So this is a Kzin medical room? Seems kind of strange. Some of the medical instruments also look downright disturbing. Taking in mind in the adaptations of Federation technology ... there's a look of surreality to it.
Getting here, we went down numerous corridors, dimly lit, and with animal noises crying out from not far away. Some of the Security team seemed especialy edgy, and I certainly was in a simulation some time ago that was vaugely like this environ ... place. But now, I seem unusually calm.
That mental block again. It began when we got to the Kzin Medbay, and opening the locked doors, we were met by a huge cloud of gas! Not sure what it was, but after it disapated, I has having trouble in a comm call to Melvin, not able to use words that were too compli ... com ... too big.
There it is again. What is wrong?
Melvin says they captured a "furry thing," presumably one of the creatures making the noises. We've finally found the bone knitter, and using it on Ben Dover. Some of the Security seem to have trouble figuring out the controls, but Dover seems unusually decisive about it, less jittery.
Not sure what this mental haze is, but I'm sure it will pass.
ADDITION: Ben better, but that ... kitty machine, make his bones a little thick. Me not sure if that bad.
Me find some empty tube, in words me can read, not kitty words. Funny name.
"Bar-clay ... Proto ... morph ... Syn-drome" Sound bad.Me thought me shave this morning. Cheek all hairy again. Freinds look ... hairy too. What ... go ... on ... ?