SD 04/09/05 - "So Will We Find Dorothy?" aka "The Wrath of Ironbottom #12" - Already Ironbottom is wrecking havock on Federation vessels.
With the carrier underway and headed in the direction Seven-of-Elleven gave us, we got a distress call. The USS Kansas, another Federation science ship, was under attack from a Borg cube, and the message lasted just long enough to get a fix on the position. We headed over at top speed, but by the time we got there, Ironbottom was long gone. He had savaged the Kansas like a tornado, assimulated the humans and left everyone else to die when life support would fail in a few hours. So we stopped and began a rescue mission.
The recovery's going well so far, and the injured are being cared for, but some of the things I've heard and seen make me wonder what might have happened if we ran into Ironbottom's cube. Calling Droolin on the Ferrengi ship just before the distress call, it was nearly a minute before he answered, and I could have sworn I heard Ferrengi crewmen cheering over a porno flick in the background. Good grief! They're supposed to be readying for a possible fight, not getting their hormones raging. Geeze.
It wasn't just the Moneybags, but there were a few instances of potentialy disrupting mishaps aboard the "Gutter" as well. Some of these were related to the inertia dampers on this Kzin-made vessel not working as well as on a Federation one. When we turned, there were numerous instances of people injuring themselves by falling on their rear ends or some other part of the anatomy. Others, such as Lott Taldasi and Ben Dover were injured when an object fell or rolled over them. In their case, a torpedo-like Drone tumbled when they were fixing a few bugs in Drone Rack Seven.
When we first got word of Ironbottom's Borgification and what he was up to, I very much looked forward to meeting up with him so we could put him to an end once and for all. Now, things like this are making me a litttle apprehensive. We have a lot of firepower, but it is untested and undermanned. Borg have been beaten before, but they've been proven to be our most nightmarish opponents.
In the meantime, we're dealing with our new arrivals from the ship Ironbottom wrecked. I think about those who were brought in unconscious and taken to Medical, to our doctor noted for his foxlike apperance. One look at him after they wake up, and they'll realize they're not in the Kansas anymore.