SD 10/08/05 - "Little Lab of Horrors" - It seems we have a new member in our S.U.R.V.I.V.O.R. party. Lt. Vak-Surik is her name. Apparently, she came from the USS Lupus, about a century ago. She had bailed out in a cryogenic pod when the ship was mortally wounded by Klingons. And somehow, the pod ended up here.
And even in that Kirk-era miniskirt, she's the best dressed one of us.
There's not much we can do about her situation, aside from continue with S.U.R.V.I.V.O.R. training once we deal with that mad doctor and get out of here. The shuttle's not due for over two weeks and there's no way to call for help. Maybe we could find something here, but I never noticed anything that looked like a long-distance comm center.
Most everyone here's in one group, although Melvin got knocked out by a falling light bulb and Cosmo dazed by another. We still need to get Lynx and Lera. And of course to see if there's a cure around for Tarra.
Uh oh, those roars tell me there's trouble nearby.
NARRATIVE Lynx gets a "not perfected yet" cure for Tarra, and a taser-like shock from Hojo that knocks her off him. He bids her farewell and hopes he'll meet her again, "but next time it will be you on the recieving end." Lera finds a shelter from pursing killer rabbits in a room, along with a "in case of rabbits, press" button. But the cure proves just as dangerous, and a lot weirder.