Name: Kura Scyarin
Age: 26
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 725 lbs Race: "Tigritaur" (Formerly Founder) Rank: Ensign Department: Inteligence, Asst. Communications Background: Kura was a rogue founder, living out his own life on his own rules for quite some time. He was very mischievous as a teenager
and was very curious about everything. These two traits coupled with his ability to alter his form at will led to a life of wandering the galaxy
looking for the next big thrill. He was frequently pursued by law enforcement officials for his tricks and mostly harmless pranks. His planet-
hopping spree ended quickly when a transport ship he'd snuck aboard was attacked and captured by Cardassians. Appearantly also on board was a
fleeing Cardassian politician slated for execution. Unfortunately for Kura, the form he'd chosen to borrow was that of the Cardassian politician.
The real politician he'd knocked out and hid in the cargo hold. Somehow things worked out for him and he was rescued by a Federation ship that had received a distress call from the transport. The
Federation vessel was forced to battle the Cardassians and eventually won out. Kura and the transport ship's crew were beamed over to the
Federation vessel and the Cardassian ship escaped with the nearly obliterated transport. Later the true politician was found on the freighter
and immediately executed. Kura of course was unable to maintain the ruse of being a Cardassian politician (He didn't lie enough) and was
taken back to Terra for questioning. Upon finding that he knew nothing about the situation and was still a minor by law, he was scolded
and assigned to a Starfleet academy training program and eventually was trained for reconnaissance. His first job was to infiltrate a planet very similar to 21st century Earth and determine if there was an illegal mining operation
being carried out in the southernmost continent. He was beamed down to a small forest several miles north of his mission objective.
As fate would have it he landed in a rarely used campground that several teenagers had left in quite a mess. Amongst the trash and
crushed beer cans Kura found a recent edition of a fantasy magazine and being the rather impulsive person he is, he assumed the first form
he found in the book. It was a "Tigritaur" by the artist's caption and was half human and half tiger, much like a classic centaur. He immediately fell ill, having not known that he was severely allergic to tiger fur. He tried to carry out his mission but the illness
was so bad that he was unable to get more than a few feet before collapsing in a fit of coughs. Seeing that continuing was impossible
he tried to change forms again but found that the illness had completely and irreparably destroyed his shapeshifting abilities. Needless to say,
his allergies completely vanished in less than an hour. He tried to call to the ship that had dropped him off for help but it had been destroyed
by the illegal mining operation's ship. Soon after sending his distress signal he thumbed through the magazine again and took a closer look
at the tigritaur picture. Beneath the caption was the artist's comment: "so cool I wish it were real!" At which point he beat himself
in the head until he was dizzy. Fortunetly for him, a Federation shuttle happened to be passing by. But after he was beamed up, he ended up having to do CPR on the pilot
as he though he had bungled the transporter and mutilated him. Having a scedule to keep, the pilot dropped him off at the nearest ship,
the USS Freedom, where he was reassigned to once word about the results of his mission reached headquarters, "If even only half the stories
about that ship is true, he'll fit right in!"