SD 10/30/04 - "Party Preperations" Maybe what we need is a party.
Even with "Demian" under control, things on this ship have still been pretty tense. Maybe it's the rude reception we got back there. Maybe it's that our safety apparently rests on the life of one feeble hamster. Maybe it's that the best we can seem to hope for around here is brief moments of monotiny punctured by malfunctions and mishaps. And not just with equipment. Just what were those girls thinking the other day with being naked at the meeting? They gave the term "debriefing" a whole new meaning.
I'm sure Lynx was the instigator of that, the others aside from Lera being less aggressive, and her being naturaly inclined to that. The whole incident left me feeling more than ever that she needs medical leave. But I'd need Ennin to confirm that, have him give her an examination.
Ennin has had his hands full lately. Although the number of malfunctions has lessened, he still gets plenty of work due to mishaps. Even those aside, he has his moments of weirdness. Halfpipe found a still-beating heart in the lab just before I showed up to talk to Ennin about events. Ennin himself acidentaly turned off the regular holodecks when he asked the computer to delete only those in medical. This led to Lt. Droolin to comm him and whine about some moment with a fantasy girl get interupted. Irritated, I told him to shut up, and he called off the call.
Ennin was soon busy with Orlan. Studying a Jovian-type world in orbit around a white dwarf, we found some unusual readings from one of it's moons. So I ordered Science Officer Lera to go there with some help to get some samples. Orlon voulenteered to help her out. It seems there was some trouble. From what I heard, although they recovered a sample of crystals with no trouble, they ended up beamed back a couple feet above the transporter room floor. Orlan got a shard that splintered off into his hand. No signs of toxixity, so he should be okay.
On another note, I later got a message over the PADD from Half requesting a transfer from Medical to Science. If that's what she wants and there's no problem with it from the two others concerned, no reason not to improve it.
Well, on to get dressed for the party.