SD 1-20-01 Trouble in Paradise #3 - Just as we seemed out of trouble with the natives, a new problem has come up.

The band of natives the first group called the "Evil Ones" attacked - with phaser fire. I set phaser to heavy stun and returned fire. Caine lost her temper, pulled a phaser cannon, and really zaped them. And then there was Lera, who pulled what she called a "Pye Kannon™" and shot pies at the attacking natives (lemon creme flavor). Bizzare as Lera's weapon was, it was the one that did the trick - the hostiles fled. Unfortunetly, some of the "friendly" natives had been stunned as well. I had to calm the chief, then tend to the stunned, with some help from Lera. Treki and Ael found some gems off the attackers, but Ael was blinded by the sparkles off hers apparently.

Maybe Ael should have simply given me a hand with the first aid.

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