SD 3-10-01 "GIECO, not Gecko" #2 - This assignment was weird, even for the Freedom . The ending was a bit unclear to me as I was out of the action part of the time.

Frist of all, we all began finding corporate logos all over the place, poping up suddenly out of nowhere. The Freedom suddenly gained a "Microsoft" emblem, Treki found a Nike "swoosh" on her bellybutton and took it as if nothing big happened, Vohan suddenly sported "Pepsi" glasses, etc. Even I found an "Amiga" sticker on my back, but most of the others acted like nothing was happening, and even acting like they were stars in a commercial. For instance, the captain kept refering to "our sponsors."

Then just as the group confronted what looked like holo-images of Mickey Rooney and Alex Traveck (a late 20th Century game show host), I fell though a grate. It took me a while to climb back up, and when I did I found some T-shirt with a "Neko-con 4" logo on it. After I disposed of it, I noticed Treki talking to some camera, something about "never underestimate the power of consolidated public opinion." They acted like they had just blown something up. Uh-oh, what just happened, and will I get blamed for that?

Addition: The corporate logos are no longer poppingup, and the crew is acting normal again, at least what passes for normal. Apparently, the situation has somehow been resolved.

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