html> Q's Pet

SD 4-28-01 "Q's Pet" - With the Compy situation defused, the crew wanted to relax again, so we decided to resume our rudely interrupted holodeck time. The others wanted another baseball game, but I talked them into something a little different: a baseball tryout. I left the team of choice up to them. I thought they'd choose the Cubs, a team so luckless even casual sports fans two centuries later know about them. But instead they wanted "da Bums" - the Dodgers. I agreed, but after seeing their stats I programed in a variable: they would look, and perform, like they had a wild party last night. My fellow officers loved it.

So far, we're holding our own against these holo-pros. The only odd thing is that it looks like a one-man audience has popped up in the stands. Not a human, though he is dressed like one with his shirt and slacks (feet bare), but a small humanoid with catlike ears and a doglike tail.

Is the computer malfunctioning again?

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