SD 07/16/05 - "Odor in the Court" - Looks like I'm out and Melvin is in.

After the initial procedings in which the Prosecutor Naro and Lott & I made our opening statements, a clerk walked over to Judge Ross and handed her a note. She read it, then questioned Lera about choosing me for an advocate, saying our "relationship" made it questionable. Where did the clerk get that note? She seemed to have walked from where Lynx was, but that's probably a coincidence.

In any event, the judge ordered Lera to get another advocate, and called a short recess. Cosmo Ennin told her he couldn't do it as he was needed as a witness. So I called upon Melvin Orlan. He looked like he was taking a nap, but he probably just had his eyes closed for a moment. He seemed hesitant, but took the job. I noticed Lt. Droolin and Ben Dover had come in. Dover was without his Ensign pips, and looking more depressed than ever. I have a feeling some of his punishment came early.

It was then that all chaos broke loose. Somehow a skunk came into the room from the hallways, and the result was panic. The redshirts and clerks scrambled to get away, often stumbling over and shoving one another in the pandemonium. As the judge mutered, "Starfleet's finest," who could stand up to Klingons and Borg, ran away at the sight up a small furball. Lott tried coaxing it to her, which was a bit difficult as the commotion was scarring it. Finaly it came to her and it settled down in her arms.

Then the owner came in, apologized for the mess after seeing the overturned chairs and lack of redshirts and clerks, took the skunk, and left. The judge made a few remarks about the redshirts, then commed them back.

Lynx and Tarra seemed oblivious to the calamity around them, making occasional glances, but Lynx just settled back while Tarra gave her a foot rub. What the hey ... Lera seemed especialy oblivious, not batting so much as an eyebrow. Why does she go catatonic at times?

Well, here we go again. This may be a long trial.

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